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Create a documentation with Sphinx on GitHub


I now use mkdocs for all my documentation projects, including this website.

Previously I announced a preview of the Audio Loader library. It prepares audio batches for Neural Network libraries (have a look here). For this library I planned to add a documentation website. A preliminary version is now available here. As Audio Loader is a Python library, I chose Sphinx to generate the documentation as it is a classic with Python libraries. It uses the reStructuredText file format to create the documentation. Nevertheless, I prefer the markdown syntax as it is simpler and I use it more often. Hence, I use as much markdown files as I can to create Sphinx documentation. Next, to host this documentation I chose GitHub Pages as I already used it on my website.

In this post, I will explain how to create a documentation using Sphinx and how to use as much as possible markdown files. Finally, I will explain how to set up your repository on GitHub to host your documentation.

Create your first documentation#

In this section, we will see how to create a documentation using sphinx.

Install Sphinx#

First let us install sphinx:

pip install sphinx

Now we have everything we need to create our documentation 😄.

Create the initial files#

Sphinx organize the documentation in three things:

  • makefiles to generate the documentation
  • source pages that contain the documentation instruction
  • the resulting documentation (pdf file, html webpages and so on)

Now let's create this organization using quickstart tool from sphinx:

mkdir docs
cd docs

In the quickstart instructions, choose separate source folder and build folder (as it will be more convenient for next steps). Fill the rest as you please.

Afterwards, sphinx created two folders (docs/sources and docs/build) and a makefile (docs/Makefile). Sphinx source files are in docs/sources and the index.rst file represents the first page of your documentation (the equivalent of the index.html of a website). To compile your documentation into a website or a pdf file you can use the makefile (using make html or make pdf). The resulted documentation format will be putted into docs/build.

Here I will not detail how the rst format works as I avoid it as much as I can. Instead, I will show you how to add documents or link documents into a rst file. If you want to learn how the rst format works, go there.

I prefer to avoid using rst files as much as I can as it is possible to use markdown for most of the time. However, in cases where rst files are needed (such as index.rst) it is useful to know how to include or link files. Therefore this is what I will explain in this section.

To add a link to a file (say extra_document.rst) you need to add extra_document to the doctrine as follows:

.. toctree::
    :maxdepth: 2



The extra_document indentation must be like the indentation of the :maxdepth: 2 line. If it is not the case, you will have a warning telling you sphinx can't find your file (took me hours to figure it out).

Include a rst file into a rst file:#

To add a rst file inline of a rst file, you just need to add the following line:

.. include:: my_file.rst

The document that contains this line will be filled with the my_file.rst content.

Write sphinx documentation using markdown and autodoc#

Configure sphinx with markdown#

To add markdown support for sphinx I use m2r instead of recommonmark (advised in the official documentation of sphinx). The reason is simple: recommonmark do not support mdinclude to include markdown documents into rst files. Now let's install m2r:

pip install m2r

Then let's edit the source/ file to add this line:


Now you can use markdown files in your documentation. You can add it in the doctree (same as for rst files) or include markdown files into rst files using mdinclude. One little example with mdinclude:

.. mdinclude::


While creating your documentation, it is nice to use the docstring of your python source files to fill your content. Here I will explain how you can do it using the autodoc extension.


To enable autodoc you have to add the extension in the source/ file:


Also add the following lines to the beginning of the source/ file:

import os
import sys
sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath('../..'))

To use the numpy format in the docstring you also have to add the napoleon extension:


Now we are ready to use autodoc.

Show elements of a docstring#

All the following commands works in rst files (I still search a simple way to use it in markdown files, don't hesite to share in comments 😄). For more details follow the official documentation.

Use the docstring of the module#
.. automodule:: project_folder.module
Use all the docstrings of a module#
.. automodule:: project_folder.module
Use the docstring of a specific class#
.. autoclass:: project_folder.module.class

Sphinx theming#

Now let's be funky 😄. We will use themes in there: showcase of themes.

On this website, choose your desired documentation style, then click on the pypi hyperlink to install the theme using the pip command. To apply your theme click on the associated hyperlink and look for the html_theme variable. Then copy the corresponding code to modify your html_theme variable in your source/ file.

Host your documentation on GitHub#

Now we know how to create a documentation, it will be nice to upload it into a server. Here I will explain how I do it for GitHub servers.

Prepare the structure of the projects#

For my projects, I think the cleanest structure is as follows:

|-  my_project_code      --> folder containing your source codes and documentation sources
|-  my_project_gh_pages  --> folder containing your built website
|   |-  html             --> folder containing your documentation (synced with your gh_pages branch)

Now let us create this structure. First, let's create a directory for your project:

mkdir my_project
cd my_project

Now let's create my_project/my_project_code and my_project/my_project_gh_pages folders:

mkdir my_project_gh_pages
git clone
mv my_project my_project_code

Now let's create and prepare the html folder:

git clone
mv my_project html
cd html
git branch gh-pages

git symbolic-ref HEAD refs/heads/gh-pages  # auto-switches branches to gh-pages
# remove all files and git indexes for the branch
rm .git/index
git clean -fdx

Modify Sphinx makefile#

Now our makefile require modifications to use our gh-pages branch and my_project_gh_pages folder.

Edit your my_project/my_project_code/docs/Makefile file such as your BUILDDIR variable is such as the following:

BUILDDIR      = ../../my_project_gh_pages/

Now you can generate your documentation:

make html

Build html files for GitHub#

Your documentation is now under my_project/my_project_gh_pages/html. Now commit and push your documentation such as:

cd my_project_gh_pages/
git add html
git commit -m "First documentation commit"
git push --set-upstream origin gh-pages

It is now available under, unless you have made a redirection for your GitHub Pages (like for this blog).

Force no jekyll#

GitHub server use jekyll which provoque errors while interpreting html files generated by sphinx. Hopefully, we can disable jekyll. Inside the my_project/my_project_gh_pages/html folder type the following commands:

touch .nojekyll
git add .nojekyll
git commit -m "added .nojekyll"
git push origin gh-pages

Build and commit automatically#

You can add a command inside your Makefile:

    pushhtml: html

    cd $(BUILDDIR)/html; git add . ; git commit -m "rebuilt docs"; git push origin gh-pages

Now by tipping make pushhtml you will build your documentation, commit it and push it on GitHub automatically. It comes alongside the make html command that I use to test some modifications without pushing it.


Hope it helps some of you.

Cheers, Vincent
