Audio Loader

Library designed to load audio batches (with features and ground truth) for deep learning libraries such as PyTorch or TensorFlow.

Its online documentation is here.

It is for now an early work that I do along my PhD (I use this library for my different projects). Many things are missing but some are on their way like a documentation website.

It supports computations of features such as raw audio, MFCC and log spectrogram (using librosa) more binding will be available in the future. Also designed to ease the creation of new parsers for new datasets/challenges (supervised or not). To do so, the library provides handy interfaces the users should follow. Have a look into audio_loader/ground_truth package for more details.

For now, only a TIMIT like parser (with only phoneme ground truth support for now) and a C2SI-like parser are shared and only PyTorch is supported (TensorFlow support and other datasets are on my TODO list).

Feel free to add other libraries and/or challenges support with adequate tests.



To install it you needs anaconda or miniconda installed then you to type:

conda env create -f environment.yml
conda activate audio_loader

All tests passed using this environment.

Check if tests pass

For this project I used pytest to write my tests. To try if every tests pass on your side, just type:

py.test tests/

If you want to improve mines feel free to help.