# Audio Loader Library designed to load audio batches (with features and ground truth) for deep learning libraries such as PyTorch or TensorFlow. Its online documentation is [here](http://website.vincent-roger.fr/audio_loader/). It is for now an early work that I do along my PhD (I use this library for my different projects). Many things are missing but some are on their way like a documentation website. It supports computations of features such as raw audio, MFCC and log spectrogram (using [librosa](https://librosa.github.io/librosa/)) more binding will be available in the future. Also designed to ease the creation of new parsers for new datasets/challenges (supervised or not). To do so, the library provides handy interfaces the users should follow. Have a look into `audio_loader/ground_truth` package for more details. For now, only a TIMIT like parser (with only phoneme ground truth support for now) and a C2SI-like parser are shared and only PyTorch is supported (TensorFlow support and other datasets are on my TODO list). Feel free to add other libraries and/or challenges support with adequate tests. ## Install ### Miniconda To install it you needs anaconda or miniconda installed then you to type: ```bash conda env create -f environment.yml conda activate audio_loader ``` All tests passed using this environment. ## Check if tests pass For this project I used [pytest](https://docs.pytest.org/en/latest/) to write my tests. To try if every tests pass on your side, just type: ```bash py.test tests/ ``` If you want to improve mines feel free to help.